Occupational Health Blood Test
Occupational Health Blood Tests
We conduct a wide range of private blood tests in our private vaccination clinic at Woodhouse Medical Practice.
We also provide home-testing kits or postal kits, which you can post directly to the laboratory.
These may include the following:
- Checking antibody levels after a course of vaccinations such as hepatitis B.
- Occupational health screening prior to starting work in a clinical setting e.g. Measles IgG, Varicella IgG.
- Disease outbreaks
- Medical electives
- N.B. The list is not exhaustive and we are happy to advise you on a number of other blood tests available.
Do I need a GP referral to use this service?
No. Patients are able to self-refer to this service. However, we do require your GP contact details so they are provided with a copy of the test results with your consent, and further testing or treatments can be arranged. If you don’t want your GP knowing your test results, please speak to our healthcare professional about this.
Home blood test-kits vs clinic testing
We provide private blood tests as home-testing or postal kits or you can attend our clinic.
We use accredited laboratories for all tests.
There is a wider range of blood tests available within the clinic setting, however if you prefer the convenience and privacy of having the test within your home then a self-collection test kit may be more suitable.
If the test is not listed below, you can email our clinic with your request at: [email protected]
Summary of private blood tests
A blood test can be carried out to determine a patients blood type.
Please email our healthcare professional for further advice and information at [email protected]
Book an appointment now – 0113 221 3533 or 0113 873 0242 – [email protected]
A blood test can be carried out prior to receiving the chickenpox vaccination if you are unsure if you have had chickenpox disease.
Please email our healthcare professional for further advice and information at [email protected]
Book an appointment now – 0113 221 3533 or 0113 873 0242 – [email protected]
We recommend you having a blood test 3 months after completing the course of vaccinations.
Please email our healthcare professional for further advice and information at [email protected]
£50 per antigen
Book an appointment now – 0113 221 3533 or 0113 873 0242 – [email protected]
Testing can be done using a sample of the patients saliva or urine. A testing kit with a pre-paid envelope can be sent out. Specimens can be tested for a wide variety of substances including the presence of Morphine, Codeine, Dihydrocodeine, Amphetamine, Cannabis, Cocaine metbolite, Nordiazepam, Oxazepam, Methadone. Alcohol testing can also be performed. Please note, this list is not exhaustive. Please contact the clinic if you are requiring specific substances to be tested.
We can also provide drugs and alcohol testing for your workplace.
Please email our healthcare professional for further advice and information at [email protected]
Prices start from £150
Book an appointment now – 0113 221 3533 or 0113 873 0242 – [email protected]
We can conduct a hepatitis B screen and provide you with the results within 3-4 working days.
If you only require a test to determine your immunity after a course of hepatitis B vaccinations, we recommend you having a blood test 1-4 months after completing the course. This is strongly recommended for all healthcare workers and high-risk occupations. This is to ensure you have developed the appropriate level of antibodies after completing the course of vaccinations as not all patients respond after the first course is completed.
Please email our healthcare professional for further advice and information at [email protected]
Book an appointment now – 0113 221 3533 or 0113 873 0242 – [email protected]
We can conduct a hepatitis B surface antigen to determine if you have an active hepatitis B infection. We provide you with the results within 3-4 working days.
Please email our healthcare professional for further advice and information at [email protected]
Book an appointment now – 0113 221 3533 or 0113 873 0242 – [email protected]
We can conduct a hepatitis C screen and provide you with the results within 3 working days.
Please email our healthcare professional for further advice and information at [email protected]
Book an appointment now – 0113 221 3533 or 0113 873 0242 – [email protected]
We can conduct a full HIV screen (P1 and 2) and provide you with the results within 3 working days.
Please email our healthcare professional for further advice and information at [email protected]
Book an appointment now – 0113 221 3533 or 0113 873 0242 – [email protected]
This test helps determine if you’ve previously had the BCG vaccination or if you have active or latent tuberculosis disease.
It is used prior to administering the BCG vaccination to ensure it is safe to do. Results are read 72 hours later.
Please email our healthcare professional for further advice and information at [email protected]
Cost £150
Dependent on availability
Book an appointment now – 0113 221 3533 or 0113 873 0242 – [email protected]
We recommend you having a blood test 6 weeks after completing the course of vaccinations if requested by your employer.
Please email our healthcare professional for further advice and information at [email protected]
£55 per antigen tested
Book an appointment now – 0113 221 3533 or 0113 873 0242 – [email protected]
This test is used to determine antibody levels after a course of rabies vaccines.
This is usually done for occupational health reasons.
Book an appointment now – 0113 221 3533 or 0113 873 0242 – [email protected]
We can conduct a wide range of blood tests for sexually transmitted diseases or infections. The results of these tests are available within 3 working days.
Please email our healthcare professional for further advice and information at [email protected]
Will depend on the range of tests conducted
Book an appointment now – 0113 221 3533 or 0113 873 0242 – [email protected]
This test is available to assess Tuberculosis (TB) infection. This test can be used to determine both active infection and latent TB infection and is widely used as a screening test for healthcare workers.
The test is not affected by previous BCG vaccination so will not produce false positives unlike the Tuberculin Skin Test.
Please email our healthcare professional for further advice and information at [email protected]
Book an appointment now – 0113 221 3533 or 0113 873 0242 – [email protected]
This test is primarily for the detection of latent tuberculosis. It is also used for detecting active disease in patients whom the TB Quantiferon Test is unsuitable.
This test is suitable for young children.
Please email our healthcare professional for further advice and information at:
Book an appointment now – 0113 221 3533 or 0113 873 0242 – [email protected]
This test will help determine antibody levels to varicella (chickenpox) either through previous vaccination or disease.
Please email our healthcare professional for further advice and information at:
Book an appointment now – 0113 221 3533 or 0113 873 0242 – [email protected]
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Tests
Please visit our COVID-19 service and tests page for further information on the validated COVID-19 antibody and PCR tests.
Book an appointment now – 0113 221 3533 or 0113 873 0242 – [email protected]
Please visit our COVID-19 service and tests page for further information on the validated COVID-19 antibody and PCR tests.
Book an appointment now – 0113 221 3533 or 0113 873 0242 – [email protected]